

相手が言ったことの意味が分からなくて聞きなおす表現。今回は "Pardon?" や "Sorry?"とは違った言い方で。


⇒ Come again?



※" Excuse me?"という表現より、よりカジュアルな場面で使う。

※より丁寧に言うなら、" Can you say that again? "、" Could you say that again? " のように表現を変えていこう。


 下がり調子で"Come again."だと「また来てね」という意味になってしまう(お店の店員さんが「またお越しくださいね」と使う)。





Jessica: Hi, Asami. I brought someone wih me today. This is my bother, Eddy.

Eddy: Hi, nice to meet you, Asami. 

Asami: Hello, Eddy. I heard a lot about you. You are an english teacher, rigth?

Eddy: That's right. I work at school near here.

Asami: I see. So you and your sister came to Japan together?

Eddy: Yes. We love Japan.

Jessica: I'm going to??? order drinks. You want a coffee?

Eddy: Yeah, thanks.

Asami:You are from the west coast, aren't you?

Eddy: A-ha. Our hometown is Cool.

Asami: Come again?

Eddy: We're from a small town in California called "Cool". It's cool to be from Cool, you know?(クール出身なんてクールだろ?)

Asami: I see. Very cool.

Eddy: Thank you. 



