
Today's Recipe






≪Today's Dailogue≫

【Peacock】I'll take questions from the audience after a five-minute break. Thank you.

【Jessica】Well, how did you like the lecture? *1

HayatoHonestly, I have no idea what he was talking about.

【Jessica】Really? I found it absolutely fascinating. *2

     And he's so passionate about his subject. *3

Hayato】Huh, that's because you're such a big fan of his. *4

     Frunkly what he said made no sense to me. 

【Jessica】OK. Let me explain it over a coffee. *5

Hayato】Well, you can try!



◎Today's Key Sentence◎

Honestly, [発言態度]

I have no idea what he was talking about. [本題]


・後ろにつづく内容を指定するために Honestly は文頭に置かれている。「正直な話なんだけど」と後ろの文を指定している。

・Honestly は悪い話だけではなく良い話のときも使う。


例:Honestly, I could really go for a coffee right now.(正直今コーヒー飲みたいんだけど)

例:Honestly, I love donuts.



◎Recipe Options◎(他の例)Ⅰ

Frunkly (speaking), [発言態度]

what he said made no sense to me. [本題]




◎Recipe Options◎(他の例)Ⅱ

Seriously, [発言態度]

you need to practice much more. [本題]





◎Let’s get cooking!◎

数学が苦手で教えてほしいという友人に「正直に言うと」と前置きし 「自分も数学はそれほど得意ではない」と伝えよう

⇒ Honestly, I'm not very good at math either.



≫Dialogue Review≪

*1 how did you like the lecture?

・How did you like...? 相手に感想を求めるときの定番表現。このまま覚えよう

・lecture = 講義

*2 I found it absolutely fascinating.

・it の説明が absolutely fascinating 。it = absolutely fascinatingになっている。「私はそれがabsolutely fascinatingだと思う」

・find(found)は「思う」と訳されるけど、think とは違い、「見つける」という感触もある。「"あっ"と思う(見つける)」



*4 a big fan of his


・a friend of mine(私の友人)と同じ of の使い方





NHK 大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ

出演者:大西泰斗 サフィヤ クリス