Lesson7:会えた喜びを伝えるには?It's a ~.


お会いできて幸栄ですという丁寧な表現。Nice to meet you. よりもずっと改まったフォーマルな表現。


⇒ It's a plesure to meet you.


※少しくだけた Plesure to meet you. もある。友達の友達に初めて会ったとき等。この場合も Nice  to meet you.よりも丁寧。

※It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

    「ついに」という意味の finally をつけると、やっと会えた!という強い喜びに。




Miku: So the new class ??? is going well?

Hannah: Yeah, I have five students. And they're all really  ???

Miku: I'm glad to hear that.

Miku: Hey, Hannah! That woman!!

Hannah: What? Who?

MIku: That woman sitting over there. She's a famous yoga instractor who ??? online videos. She's so amazing!

Hannah: Really? Why don't you talk to her?

Miku: No way! I can't! She's worth famous, you know.

          But this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. (でもこんなチャンスめったにないし)

Hannah: Yeah, go on.

Miku: Execuse me, are you Kate, the yoga instractor?

Kate: Yes, I am.

Miku: It's a pleasure to meet you. I watch your videos all the time.

Kate: Oh thank you. You do yoga too?

Miku: Yes I do.



