



⇒ It won't happen again.


※ 直訳すると「それは2度と起こりません」、つまり「もう2度としません」という謝罪の決まり文句。

※"won't" は "will not" を短くしたもので、"will"というのは強い意志を表す表現。

※"It" を "I" に変えて、"I won't happen again." というフレーズは、子どもが学校の先生や親に言う感じ。 "It" は少しかしこまった表現。大人が使う表現。





Annika: Hello, Makoto. Thank you for your help this morning.

Makoto: Hi, Annika. I'm so sorry about the leak was quite an expected.

Annika: Yes, it was! There was water dripping for my kitchen ceiling. Do you know what caused?

Makoto: Look at this. The people above you tried to fix a pipe by themselves.(上の階の方が配管をご自分で修理しようとしたんです)

Annika: I see.

Makoto: I told them that they should always ask before doing any renovations.

Annika: All right.

Makoto: It won't happen again. I'm very sorry.

Annika: Ah, does your ceiling have a leak too?

Makoto: What? Is there water dripping?

Annika: I'm just joking.



