


⇒ Is there any problem?



※ any ・・・相手がyes なのか no なのか答えがどっちなのか五分五分の可能性のときに any を使う。


 例:What's up?(どうしたの?)※心配してるけど相手に気を遣わせない言い方

 例:Is everything OK?(元気?調子どう?大丈夫?)

 例:What's wrong? / What the matter? 





Annika: Hi, Makoto-san...

Makoto: Oh, Annika. Are you OK? Is there any problem?

Annika: Well actually... it's about the meatballs for the event.

Makoto: They were delicious. What's wrong?

Annika: You can't eat Swedish meatballs without lingonberry jam. 

Makoto: Lingonberry...?

Annika: I think they're called kokemomo in Japanese.

Makoto: Kokemomo...

Annika: I want to make a special home-made jam, but I can't find fresh lingonberrys. Do you know somewhere got seen??? them, Makoto-san?

Makoto: I've never seen them in Japan.

Annika: Me neigher. Fresh berries would be better, but I guess I'll buy some pre-made jam!(新鮮なベリーがよかったけど既製品のジャムを買うしかないわね!)※pre-made = 既製の、出来合いの



