


⇒ There's no time.



※ time の後ろに for... をつけて具体的にいうこともできる。

 例:There's no time for breakfast.

 例:There's no time for this.

 例:There's no time for coffee.(コーヒー飲んでる時間はないですよ)





Brenda: Our online VR lessons will start next month. I can't wait.

Miku: Are we going to be ready by then?

Hannah: Sure. I'm ready any time. My virtual lessons will be in Hawaii.

Miku: How about you, Eddy? Yours will be in London, right?

Eddy: Oh... yeah, I'm working on it.(え…やってるところだよ)※work on... = ~に取り組む

Miku: Working on it? There's no time. The deadline is coming up!

Eddy: I know. But London is such a big city. I have a lot more research to do.

Miku: Eddy? Do you need to change the location?

Eddy: I know maybe I can do my virtual lessons in space.

Miku: You're going to speak to aliens in English?

Eddy: Oh... good point.




