



⇒ Yes and no.



※Lesson81の " Maybe, maybe not. " との違い


 Maybe, nmaybe not. →どっちつかずか分からないときに使う。より曖昧な表現。

 Yes and no. →こんな場合にはイエスこんな場合はノーと、自分の中で白黒はっきり分      かっているときに使う。よりダイレクトな表現。

※" Yse and no. "のあとにはなぜそう思ったのかを説明を付け加えるといい。

 例:Do you love making dolls?(君は人形を作るのが好きなの?)

   →Yes and no. It's really fun making them. But I always have neck pain when I do make them.(作るのは好きだけど 作ってると首が痛くなっちゃうの)

 例:Do you like running full marathons?(フルマラソンを走るのは好き?)

   →Yes and no. Because running a marathon is just like a dream-come-true.(マラソンを走ることは夢がかなったような感じさ)However, the damage on the body, on the legs...(だけど体や脚へのダメージが・・・)Not just the legs, but to your organs, especially your liver...(脚だけじゃなくて内臓 特に肝臓にくるよね)





Asami: Don't go too far. OK? Mio.

Mio: OK, mom. Come on, Jacob.

Jessica: Mio has started taking karate lessons, hasn't she?

Asami: Yes, she has. She has only taked??? lessons??? 3 times, thought.

Jessica: Is she enjoying the lessons?

Asami: Well... Yes and no.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Asami: Mio has always liked sports. So she's enjoyed that part of it.

Jessica: That's wonderful.

Asami: But her teacher is loud, and she thinks he's a little bit scary.(でも先生の声が大きくて ちょっと怖いみたい)

Jessica: I see. Well... I guess some teachers are like that.

             Mio! Do you show us some karate moves?

Mio: OK, sure!

Jacob: Cool!

Asami: Do you wanna try, Jacob? 



