


⇒ I'm tied up this weekend.


※ tie up... = ~を縛り上げる


※ busy よりも優しい表現。

※後ろに with をつけて具体的に何で忙しいのか表現できる。

 例:I can't go to dinner next week. I'm tied up with work.


 例:I'm tied up with school.(学校のイベントや宿題で忙しい)





Makoto: Hello, Rajeev.

Rajeev: Hi, Makoto. Look. I just bought a new fishing rod. Nice, don't you think?

Makoto: It's great. I can't remember when I went fishing last.

Rajeev: Would you like to go fishing together? Are you free this weekend?

Makoto: I'm tied up this weekend. Thank you for the invitation. But my daughter's familiy is coming to visit.

Rajeev: Oh is she bringing your grandson?

Makoto: Yes. Look at these pictures. He's already starting to crawl.

Rajeev: He's very cute.

Makoto: My daughter wants to me to take them shopping and to the aquarium. (娘に買い物と水族館に連れて行けと頼まれていて)We will busy.

Rajeev: I see.

Makoto: I know why don't you join us for dinner. We can cook the fish that you catch.

Rajeev: OK, got it. Leave it to me.




