



⇒ I'm on your side.


※例<アダムスありささんの場合:学校のグループプロジェクトで提案が却下されたときに友達が慰めてくれたとき> It's OK. I'm on your side.


    Whose side are you on? / Which side are you on?

       →I'm on her side. / I'm on his side/





Rajeev: I don't know what to do.

Makoto: Is it that??? bad?

Rajeev: Look. I made all these flyers. I really thought I could make it in Tokyo, but It's harder than I thought.(東京でうまくやっていけると信じていたけど思っていたより難しくてね)※make it =成功する・うまくいく

Makoto: Well, don't worry. These things take time.

Rajeev: The other day afraid?? I held an Indian food in Yoga festival. We had almost no custmers.

Makoto: That's when I was in Nagoya. I'm sorry I couldn't go.

Rajeev: Maybe I should go back to Kobe.

Makoto: Don't give up yet. I'm on your side.

Rajeev: Thank you, my friend.

Makoto: Let's think about how to promote to your restaurant together.



