Lesson19:相手の意見に賛同するI feel~


I feel~から始まる決まり文句で、相手の意見に賛成したり相手の気持ちにそうだよねと同情したりする表現。


⇒ I feel the same way.



 例:ふられたときに I thought he liked me. (私のこと好きだと思ったのに)

   → I feel the same way.





Asami: Bettina, what time does your daughter go to bed?

Bettina: At nine o'clock. How about yous?

Asami: My daughter goes to bed at nine thirty.

Jessica: I want my son to go to bed at nine. But he usually stays up untill ten or ten thirty.

Bettina: Staying up late is OK sometimes, but I think getting enough sleep is important for kids' health.

Asami: I feel the same way. Good sleep is also important for their mental health. (いい睡眠は心の健康にも重要なのよ)

Jessica: Lately kids are very busy. They have a lot of homework, and always want to play videogames.

Bettina: That's true.

Jessica: Oh, it's already four o'clock. I have to go home and make dinner.

Asami: Thanks for coming over today.

Bettina: Thank you for having us.

Jessica: Yeah, thanks.   



