


⇒ It's better than nothing.


※ It's better than.... 他の表現は?

 例:It's better than last time.(前回よりはましです)

 例:It's better than before.(前より良くできてますね)

※ It's better than 主語+動詞 のパターンもある。

 例:It's better than I thought.(思っていたよりよりです)





Asami: The wind is getting stronger. I hope the kids and dads are OK.

Jessica: Don't worry. They are at the movie theater, so they are indoor.

Asami: What's happning? Is it a blackout? Where is my phone?

Bettina: Maybe ??? circuit breaker. I'm going to take a look.

Asami: Be careful, Bettina.

Bettina: The breaker is fine! It must be a blackout.(ブレーカーは平気よ!停電にちがいないわ)

Asami: Oh dear.

Bettina: Wait there, I'll bring a candle.

Jessica: A candle. Great idea.

Bettina: There we go.

Jessica: That's a really small candle.

Asami: It's better than nothing.

Beetina: It's all I have. It's a left a??? candle for a birthday party.

Jessica: The lights are back.

Asami: Thank, goodness.




