


⇒ Ten more seconds to go.




 例:Ten more days to go until the World Cup.(ワールドカップまであと10日です)

 例:One more month to go.(<夏休みまで>あと1か月)


 例:Five hundred more meters to go.(残り500メートルです)

 例:Seven more people to go.(残りあと7です)






Dion: Today we are going to work on these muscles, our abs.(今日はここ 腹筋を鍛えるぞ)※work on... = ~に取り組む ※abs = 腹筋

Asami: This is going to be hard.

Jessica: I would love to have six-pack.

Dion: First, lie down in this position, keep your body straight for 30 seconds.

Bettina: That is??? easy.

Asami: Yeah, maybe I can do it:

Dion: OK. W??? make pairs. Please check your partner's form. 

Bettina: I'll go first.

Dion: OK? Here we go. Ready, start!

Asami: Bettina, a little lower.

Bettina: I can't keep this up.

Asami: You can do it, Bettina! Ten more seconds to go.

Dion: Five, four, three, two, one, OK.

Bettina: That was tough!



