Lesson27:「あれ 誰かと思ったら!」



「あれ 誰かと思ったら!」と言うには?

⇒ Look who's here!


※ "Look who is here" の略。




 例:Look who's here! It's Tom Cruise!


☆Look who's here! と声をかけられたら・・・

 アダムスありささん: No way! What a coincidence!(まさか!なんて偶然なの!)

 ハリー杉山さん: Yes, it's me. Youe worst nightmare.(そうだよ あなたの最悪の悪魔だよ) 




Instructor: Listen to each flower. Do you hear their voices?

Bettina: Their voices?

Instructor: Feel??? the space. Make sure your flowers are not to close but not to for??> apart.

Asami: Not to close, not to for apart.

Bettina: This is harder than I thought.

Asami: Look at that??? bee. I'll be right back.

Jessica: Hi, Asami.

Asami: Look who's here!

Jessica: Are you still doing the workshop? I finished work as quickly as I could.

Asami: You are just in time. (ちょうど間に合ったね)We are just arrainging flowers now. Come in come in.



