

動詞の" take "を使ったフレーズ。


⇒ Take a close look.


※ look = 見ること〔名詞〕

※ take a look = 見る

※ close = 綿密な・きめの細かな

※「もっとよく見てね」というときは " Take a closer look. " という表現もある。


 例:Take a close look at this picture.(この写真をよく見てよ)

 例:Take a close look at her face.(彼女の顔をよく見てよ)

 例:Take a close look at the detail.(細かいところをよく見てよ)





Bettina: So what should I do? I have to perform some magic tricks.

Jessica: What the problem?

Bettina: I'm not very good at them.

Jessica: Why did you say you would do it?

Bettina: I thought it would be easy.

Asami: Well I can teach you one. My brother likes magic tricks, so he taught me when we were kids.(兄が手品好きで子どものころ よく教えてもらってたの)

Bettina: Really? Thank you.

Asami: First, I have a 500 yen coin. It's in my hand. You see? Here we go. One two three. The coin has desappeared.

Jessica: No way! Show us!

Asami: Take a close look.

Bettina: Wow! It really desappeared!

Jessica: How did you do that?



