

分からないときに" I don't know." と言いたくなるけど、その前にあるひと言をつけるとずいぶん印象が変わる。


⇒ I'm afraid I don't know.


※ afraid ~を恐れている・嫌がっている という意味だけど

 I don't know の前につけるど相手を気づかる丁寧なフレーズになる。

※i don't know. だけだとキツく感じる。


※例:I'm afraid I'm out of cash. 申し訳ありませんが 現金を持っていません。

   I'm afraid I'm too weak. 申し訳ありませんが 力が弱いんです(ペットボトルのふたがあけられなくて)





man: Excuse me. 

Sho: Yes.

man: Do you speak English?

Sho: Yes, a little. Is something wrong?

man: Oh, thank goodness. I'm looking for a real estate agency.(不動産やさんを探しています) It's called, "Watanabe Fudosan."

   ※real estate・・・不動産

Sho: I'm afraid I don't know.

man: I see. I thought it was around here. I don't remember how to get there.

Sho: Shall I look it up for you?

man: Yes, thank you. I was in such a harry. I didn't bring its address.

Sho: Watanabe... Oh, It is.

man: You found it? Thank you so much.

Sho: It's not far. I'll take you there.

man: Really? Oh, I appreciate.

Sho: Come on. 



