


⇒ Don't miss it.



※ miss = ~を見逃す、~を聞き逃す

※ it の部分を具体的に言うこともできる。

 例:Don't miss the dance live show.(ダンスショーをお見逃しなく)

 例:Don't miss the premiere.(映画の公開初日を逃さないでね)

 例:Don't miss the dunk.(バスケのダンクの瞬間を見逃しちゃいけないよ)





Sho: I'm back, everybody.

Dion: You look happy, Sho. You must have had the dance practice.

Sho: Can you tell? I'm happiest when I'm dancing. Also I have a huge annoucement.

Zach: Did you get the girlfriend?

Sho: No, Zach. I was just talking about dancing.

Zach: OK, OK. So what's your huge annoucement?

Sho: Are you ready for this? I'm going to be in a live dance show! It's online, so the whole world can see my dancing!(オンラインだから世界中が僕の踊りを見ることができます!)

Zach: Oh, when is it?

Sho: It's on the last saturday next month. It starts at 8 p.m.

Dion: The last saturday... That's the 29th.

Sho: Don't miss it.

Zach: We'll definitely be watching.

Sho: Thanks.   




