



⇒ Get the picture?


※" get "は「 ~を理解する」という意味がある。

※" picture "は " the " をつけて " the picture "「状況・全体像」という意味を持つ。


☆" picture " を使った他の言い回し


   He's out of the picture.(彼は優勝するための絵の中からはずれた)

   ※out of the picture = 関係ないよ (見えてる絵の外にあるという意味で)


   You're not seeing the big picture.

   ※big picture = ちゃんと全体像が見えてなくて本来いろいろと考えるべきところが考えられてないよ という感じ





Miku: Hey hannah! Can I talk to you for a minute?

Hannah: Sure, Miku. What's up?

Miku: Look at this. From one??? we use this system to with ??? schedule.

Hannah: OK. How do I use it?

Miku: It's really easy. I'll show you. You can use this at on your computer or smartphone.

Hannah: Oh, it's a calendar.

Miku: A-ha. First, log in with your account. 

Hannah: Then what?

Miku: Choose the date, and you can see the class sheet for that day. If you're available, click OK. Click here to log out. Get the picture?

Hannah: Well, I'll try. I think it'll be convenient once I get used to it.(一度慣れてしまえば便利そう)※once = 一旦~すると ※get used to = ~に慣れる




