new Lesson1:「向かっている途中です」



⇒ I'm on my way.


※ on one's way = (ある場所に)行く途中で


   I'm sorry. A few more minutes. I'm on my way.

 例:I'm on my way. It'll take five minutes.(向かっている途中です。あと5分)


 例:I'm on my way to the station.(駅に向かっている途中です)

 例:I'm on my way home.(家に帰る途中だよ)





Dion: Victoria... ??? so long.

Zach: Let me see that picture. Wow she has a beautiful smile.

Dion: I can't wait to see her again. Hey, where's sho? I'll give him call.

Sho: Excuse me. Hello?

Dion: Hey, Sho. Where are you?

Sho: I'm on my way. Sorry, I'm running late.

Dion: Well, hurry up! You bought the cake already, right?

Sho: Of course, I did. See you soon. Sorry that was my friend.

Victoria: No problem. Thanks for giving me directions to the cake shop.(ケーキ屋さんへの道順を教えてくれてありがとう)

Sho: You're welcome. You can't miss it. Wow she's really pretty. 




