



⇒ I swear I will.


※swear = 誓う・制約する

※promise よりも約束が固い

※例:Can you please throw away your plastic bottles?(ペットボトル捨ててくれない?)

   → I swear I will this weekend.(今週末 必ずやります)


   Listen, I'll pay you back straight away. I swear I will.(すぐ返すよ 約束します)

 例:I swear I will give you 10,000 yen.(あなたに必ず1万円あげます)

 例:I swear I will take good pictures.(必ずいい写真を撮りますよ)

   → I'm counting on you!

 例:I swear I will run a 5K faster.(5キロをもっと早く走ります)





Zach: I'm home. Hey, freezy ?? here. Are you cold, Dion?

Dion: I turned on the heater, but...

Sho: Oh... hey why this room is so cold? Look. The heater is off. There is no more oil.

Dion: So that's why it's cold here. We are all going to catch colds.

Zach: ??? out of oil.

Dion: Seriously? Sho, ??? was your turn of buy more this???

Sho: My turn?

Zach: I bought it last time.

Dion: And I bought it the time before that.

Sho: I guess it was my turn.

Dion: Make sure you go and get some tomorrow, Sho.

Sho: OK. I swear I will.

Zach: We're counting on you!(頼むぞ!)※count on... = ~を信頼する



