


⇒ I'd like my coffee black.


※ I'd like は I would like の省略形で、I want の丁寧な表現。

※ I' like A... = Aを~にしてください

※店員さんに " I want coffee."と言うとぶっきらぼうに感じる。レストランやカフェでは

 " I'd like coffee."と言った方が良い。


 How would you like your coffee?

 例:How would you like your steak?(お肉の焼き加減はいかがしますか)






Miku: Eddy, are you grinding coffee? 

Eddy: I wanted to blew some really delicious coffee for the office. So I got some special equipment!(オフィスでおいしいコーヒーをいれたくて 特別な道具をそろえたのさ!)※blew... = (コーヒー・お茶など)をいれる

Hannah: What is this?

Eddy: Excellent question, Hannah. You can use this to make milk foam. I like to put the fluffy foam on top of café au lait.

Hannah: OK, I'll have a cup of that then.

Eddy: Certainly. Miku, would you also like a cup of Eddy's special café au lait?

Miku: I'd like my coffee black.

Eddy: Ah, were you listening? You can put the fluffy foam on top?

Miku: I'd like my coffee black.

Eddy: OK, Eddy special black coffee coming right up. 




