
Today's Recipe




≪Today's Dailogue≫

【Roxy】Dad, can't you stay out of the kitchen today? *1

【Dad】But Roxy, you know I love cooking.

【Roxy】I know, but today mom and I are making banana muffins.

【Dad】There's a recipe for banana muffins here! *2

【Roxy】Dad, please go away until we've finished, OK?


【Mom】Now, put in the flour, Roxy.

【Roxy】Oh, no! I put in too much. Sorry.

【Mom】Don't worry. It doesn't matter. We can add more milk. See?

【Roxy】Oh, you're not like Dad. Dad always goes by the book. *3



◎Today's Key Sentence◎

Don't worry.

It doesn't matter.


・Don't worry. だけだと冷たい印象になる。




◎Recipe Options◎(他の例)

That's OK.

It's all right.

Never mind.

These things happen.

It happens.

・Don't mind. は通じないので注意。



◎Let’s get cooking!◎


⇒ Don't worry. It doesn't matter. It was an old glass.



≫Dialogue Review≪

*1 can't you...?


・can you...?は「~できますか?」というフラットな文に対し、can't you...? は不満・信頼や同意を求める文など感情の抑揚を感じる文。


*2 There's...



*3 by the book

・by は手段・方法を表す前置詞。how に対応する前置詞




NHK 大西泰斗の英会話☆定番レシピ

出演者:大西泰斗 サフィヤ クリス